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Red Light Therapy at Body & Spine Solutions

people sitting on couch talkingOur LipoLaser utilizes low level cold laser technology for spot fat reduction, inch loss and body contouring in almost any area of the body. Low level lasers have been used for many years for the treatment of pain and inflammation to help reduce healing time.

The LipoLaser is 100% noninvasive, with no known side effects. The LipoLaser was designed to specifically target subcutaneous fat, reducing the appearance of cellulite, resulting in inch loss and body contouring.

Why Was it Designed?

The LipoLaser was designed to specifically address spot fat reduction or inch loss and body contouring. It is administered in relaxing 40-50 minute sessions. There is no surgery or pain or extensive recovery time.

The LipoLaser is the ideal treatment for all body types when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. It works synergistically with the body’s natural weight loss mechanisms. It specifically targets troublesome areas to remove inches.

The laser energy safely penetrates the skin targeting the fat cells (Subcutaneous layer). Once the cells are permeated, they release fatty acids, water and glycerol, or triglycerides. The triglycerides are released from the fat cells and the body uses them as an energy source. The fat cells then “shrink” significantly resulting in inch loss and the removal of cellulite.

The LipoLaser offers a safe and effective spot fat reduction solution that can be applied to a multiple of problem areas:

  • Waistline
  • Mid and lower abdomen
  • Upper mid and lower back

  • Buttocks and thigh areas
  • Arms and underarms

You can relax in a comfortable position while a LipoLaser technician secures the multi-diode paddles and EN probes to the target area. In 10 minute intervals, you are free to relax, read and listen to music.

 What Happens After a Treatment?

You are free to resume normal activities immediately after each session—including exercise. Remember: LipoLaser is safe, noninvasive and you will experience no pain or side effects. To learn more, call Body & Spine Solutions today!


Red Light Therapy Miller Place, Sound Beach, Mt. Sinai NY | (631) 675-2910